How to opt out of the sick-care system and take charge of your health.

This immersive seminar, held live at Hippocrates Health Centre on Australia's Gold Coast on 26 August 2023, was expressly designed to empower YOU with the knowledge and practical strategies you need to escape the medical mill, get back in control of your health, drive down your healthcare spending, and enjoy the vitality you deserve. 

All the video recordings, presentation slides and recipes from the live event are now available for you to view and download.

You'll learn:

How to eat to maximise health and longevity.
How to reduce or eliminate dependency on pharmaceutical drugs.
How to manage fever and acute illness, including in children.
How to set up your own home herbal dispensary.
Which medical tests to take, and which to avoid.
How to prevent and reverse the leading cause of loss of independence, and premature death.
crop unrecognizable male doctor with stethoscope

Have you lost confidence in the so-called healthcare system?

Many people feel betrayed by doctors who failed to put their patients' interests first during the COVID era.

And many are waking up to the fact that we don't have a 'healthcare system'; we have a disease treatment system that is highly profitable to the medical industrial complex, but only if it produces chronically ill people.

Are you ready to take charge of your own health, but don't know where to start, or how to tell truth from fiction?

There are so many claims about which treatments work, which dietary patterns are healthiest, and which tests are worth doing. Without a system for sorting the wheat from the chaff, you're going to end up confused and frustrated!

Are you dealing with 'incurable' conditions?

Most chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure, atherosclerotic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, autoimmune disorders and allergies, are diseases of lifestyle, or evolutionary mismatch. Overcoming them isn't so much a question of obtaining better treatment, as it is removing the cause so your body's self-healing capacity can kick in!

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

 Thomas Edison

I'm Robyn Chuter, and I want to teach you how to become your own doctor!

Helping people get healthy and happy is my mission and my passion. I've been in practice as a naturopath, counsellor and Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner since 1995, helping people resolve chronic, medically 'incurable' conditions such as IBS, CFS, migraine, autoimmune conditions, chronic obesity, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. I love teaching people how to activate the self-healing capacity of their own bodies and minds. That's how you can become your own doctor!

What previous students have said about my classes

Hundreds of health-conscious people have taken my online and in-person classes. Here's what they have to say:

Robyn's wealth of knowledge is amazing and her ability to relate this in layman's terms fantastic.



Robyn is a great lecturer who presents material in an informative and entertaining way.



I am astounded by the quality of Robyn's presentations, and the amount of information provided - all of it fully referenced.


Sunshine Coast

As a health professional myself, I'm deeply impressed by Robyn's commitment to citing her sources and teaching people to critically assess the health information that they come across, especially online.



© 2023 Empower Total Health.

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