Could you benefit from my 30 years of experience in solving complex and chronic health problems?

Ready to get empowered?

My focus is on empowering my clients to take control of their own health... not making them dependent on expensive supplements or 'exclusive' meal plans. I don't offer 'cures' or 'remedies' for any health condition. Instead, my aims are:

To help you understand why you have the symptoms that bother you;
To teach you what you need to do to get well again; and
To coach you in making lifestyle changes that stick.

How long will it take?

The process of overcoming illness and restoring health takes time and requires commitment, particularly if your health issue/s are severe, chronic and/or complex. Consequently, after your initial consultation, I may suggest a block of either 3 or 5 sessions to allow us to co-create, and work through, a comprehensive program to address your current health concerns and prevent future problems from developing.

Information for new clients

I offer in-person, online video, and phone consultations, so you can get my help no matter where in the world you live.
Evening and Saturday appointments are available if you are unable to attend during normal business hours.
I am recognised as a provider by all Australian private health funds that offer rebates for nutrition and counselling.

See my Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

How to book an appointment

New clients

To ensure that I am able to help you with your health issue/s BEFORE you book in, please fill in the Application Form.

Current clients

You may book a follow-up appointment here.

View my Privacy Policy here.

What you don't know CAN hurt you!

Believing in any of the 5 Myths slashes your health potential. Which ones are holding you back?
Enter your name and email to receive your free report, 'The 5 Myths that Stop You From Being Healthy'.

I value your privacy and would never spam you. You will receive my weekly newsletter EMPOWERED! You can subscribe any time, with just one click.


0432 766 884

PO Box 760, Childers QLD 4660

Get Empowered!

You will receive my free action guide ‘The 5 Steps to Breaking Bad Habits’, and my free weekly e-newsletter EMPOWERED!

I value your inbox privacy and would never spam you. You will be subscribed to my free weekly e-newsletter, EMPOWERED! You can unsubscribe at any time with one click.

Your free assessment

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