David: Resolved traumatic memory

David was troubled by an incident that occurred when he was very young. The most disturbing thing for him was that he couldn't remember what had actually happened - only that he had been in a cave with some cub scouts, and he ran out of the cave screaming in terror.

Naturally enough, he feared he had been abused in some way. We began doing EFT on the physical sensations he got when recalling what he could  remember, and as he tapped, into his mind flashed little snippets of memory of what had actually happened: The other cub scouts, who were older than him, had frightened him with a toy snake while they were in the dark cave.

What a relief for David to finally remember what had happened! He could now 'play back' the whole incident in his mind, without being bothered by it at all.

As we worked through the incident, I asked David what belief he had formed as a consequence of the other boys' actions. He answered:

"I believed that the other boys thought I was not good enough to hang out with them, and this was their way of excluding me."

He was able to release this old, dysfunctional interpretation of the event and replace it with a much more likely explanation: that the boys were just being typical insensitive pre-adolescent boys, and that this may have even been some kind of 'initiation ritual' into the cub scout group.

Interestingly, a couple of days later David phoned me to relate a breakthrough he'd had with his life-long feeling of being 'not good enough'. Resolving the cave incident allowed him to move to the next level with his personal healing.


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