I informed you thusly: Part 3
Molnupiravir (Lagevrio) is recommended for treatment of COVID-19 in older Australians. But it doesn’t work, and it is likely causing transmissible variants.

I informed you thusly: Part 2
Vaccines for viral respiratory diseases don’t work. And Tony Fauci knew it all along.

The COVID myocarditis hustle
Doctors and health authorities have repeatedly stated that you’re more at risk of developing myocarditis from COVID-19 than from the ‘vaccine’. They lied.

There must be fifty ways to leave your little people (dead, disabled or injured, that is)
Are there plausible mechanisms by which the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ could be contributing to Australia’s unprecedented excess mortality? Damn straight there are.

The Great Australian Die-Off
Australia is in the grip of an unprecedented surge of excess deaths. Why doesn’t anyone in power care?

Skin cancer checks: life-saver or scam?
What is the major risk factor for a diagnosis of melanoma? The answer may surprise you.

Major trial finds screening colonoscopy fails to ‘save lives’
A long-running trial has found that screening colonoscopy reduces the risk of being diagnosed with colorectal cancer, but not the risk of dying from it

Queensland is still denying organ transplants to people who refuse a COVID-19 injection
Desperately ill people are still being denied a life-saving operation unless they accept a failed medical product.

Navigating the maze of Australia’s healthcare worker vaccine mandates
COVID-19 injection mandates for Australian healthcare workers are inconsistent, contradictory and irrational.