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Backlash: How the vaccine pushers turned true believers into vaccine sceptics – Part 2

What happens when clinicians and researchers uncover data that contradict the dogma that all approved vaccines are “safe and effective”?

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Backlash: How the vaccine pushers turned true believers into vaccine sceptics – Part 1

The World Health Organisation places “vaccine hesitancy” in the top 10 threats to global health, but its own behaviour does not inspire public confidence in vaccines.

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Has psychiatry finally reached its Apocalypse Now moment?

A new review has comprehensively debunked the serotonin theory of depression.

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The ADHD scam

Psychiatrists insist that ADHD is a biologically-based neurodevelopmental disorder, and that stimulant drugs help kids with ADHD to learn. What does the evidence say?

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Australia’s drug regulator is leading the race to the bottom

A new investigation of national drug regulators paints TGA in a poor light.

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COVID-19 injections are messing with immunity: Part 4

COVID-19 injections have created an endless pandemic and may be brewing up the perfect storm of catastrophic immune failure.

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COVID-19 injections are messing with immunity: Part 3

COVID-19 injections are generating immune escape variants, and the consequences are devastating.

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COVID-19 Vaccination Sites

COVID-19 injections are messing with immunity: Part 2

There are multiple lines of evidence that COVID-19 injections cause people to become susceptible to repeated reinfection with SARS-CoV-2

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COVID-19 injections are screwing with immunity: Part 1

“Vaccine”-induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is clearly inferior to natural immunity.

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The good news about depression – Part 4

In-person connection is a potent buffer against anxiety and depression.

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