Welcome to the Church of Scientism. Say a prayer for humanity.
Science cannot step into the space formerly occupied by religion, no matter how fervently the devotees of scientism urge it to.

The Gold Coast random COVID testing debacle – a tragicomical farce in three acts
The latest instalment of taxpayer-funded covidiocy.

Reader responses to ‘Is Hanlon’s Razor sharp enough for COVID-19?’
If my readers’ comments are anything to go by, you definitely can’t fool all the people, all the time.

Is Hanlon’s Razor sharp enough for COVID-19?
Can we ascribe the catastrophically harmful and spectacularly ineffective COVID-19 containment policies to stupidity or incompetence? And if not, why were they inflicted on us?

If the COVID-19 injections work, why are more people dying? Part 2
How can we tell whether COVID-19 injections are causing more deaths? Here are 8 ways.

If the COVID-19 injections work, why are more people dying? Part 1
If COVID-19 injections are safe and effective, shouldn’t we see fewer people dying? We’re not, and here’s proof.

Lies, damned lies, and ATAGI statements
According to a representative of my Federal MP, ATAGI provides “trusted medical advice” to the government. I beg to differ.

Why COVID-19 “vaccines” will never end the pandemic
The COVID-19 “vaccines” don’t work like the human immune response to respiratory viral infection. And that’s a major problem.

An open letter to Australian politicians on COVID-19 vaccine mandates for healthcare workers
COVID-19 vaccines aren’t safe and don’t protect against infection or transmission. So why are they being mandated?

Omicron or OmniCon?
As the parade of SARS-CoV-2 scariants winds on, it’s time to ask ourselves what the great “disease detective” Donald Henderson would have made of the public health response to COVID-19.