
COVID-19 and philanthrocapitalism’s War on Public Health: Part 2 – Technological solutions to public health problems

In Part 1 of this series, I summarised the decades-long process via which neoliberalism and its offshoot, philanthrocapitalism, have derailed the New Public Health agenda laid out in the World Health Organization’s 1986 Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. In Part 2, I’m going to narrow in on the ways in which philanthrocapitalism has directed the…

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COVID-19 and philanthrocapitalism’s War on Public Health: Part 1 – Who funds WHO?

During my Honours degree in public health, I learned about the history of the public health movement, from its beginnings in the sewage disposal systems, aqueducts and public baths of the ancient Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans; to the formation of the World Health Organization in 1948; to the rise of the New Public Health…

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Does social distancing actually work against COVID-19?

Social distancing has been broadly accepted as imperative to reduce the spread and impact of SARS-CoV-2, but evidence for its effectiveness is thin.

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COVID-19 and influenza: how do they compare?

Is COVID-19 really ’20 times deadlier than the flu’?

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COVID-19 and the media: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, I discussed the way in which statistics about SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19 are being reported in the media in a manner that lacks context and proportionality. When it comes to the reporting of deaths, those same issues – and more – apply. Deaths Magazine writer Eric Pooley’s gritty motto…

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COVID-19 and the media: Part 1

In war, truth is the first casualty, and there are plenty of truth casualties in the War on COVID-19

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Nutrition and your immune system

Our immune function is highly dependent on good nutrition to defend us against viral illnesses, including COVID-19.

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COVID-19: What you need to know

I have been contacted by my many clients and subscribers with concerns about the current COVID-19 outbreak, and how they should respond to it.

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How to burn more fat while you sleep… No, really!

A new study has found that eating breakfast and skipping late-night snacking causes you to burn more fat while you sleep.

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Mint Choc-Chip Nice Cream

I have recently discovered a fruit and veg shop that routinely has overripe (as in, virtually black-skinned) bananas for just 99 cents for a large tray. Needless to say, my freezer is now consistently stocked with frozen bananas, ready to make ‘nice cream’. And my mint plant is going absolutely berserk, providing me with a…

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