Slow-cooked Plantains

Plantains have recently become available through my organic fruit and vegetable co-op, and I’ve gone mad for them! Plantains are related to bananas; they look like oversized, extra-fat bananas, but are always eaten cooked. Some recipes use unripe, green plantains which are starchy and only mildly sweet. When left to ripen and then slow-cooked with…

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Ketogenic diets: Part 1 – The Basics

What is the ketogenic diet, why was it developed, and what role do ketone bodies play in fasting metabolism?

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Quince and Pomegranate-Topped Orange Polenta Cake

Traditional polenta cakes are full of butter, eggs and sugar, and are usually drenched with syrup (even more sugar!). This oil-free, refined sugar-free vegan version of an old favourite is very much a special-occasion recipe, but totally worth the time and effort. You could make the quince and pomegranate topping as a stand-alone recipe, and…

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Veganism and eating disorders

Among eating disorder treatment specialists, ‘vegan’ is a dirty word. I’ve seen many clients suffering from anorexia nervosa over my 20+ years in practice. Without exception, all were told by their doctors, dietitians and psychologists that veganism was part and parcel of their eating disorder and they could not recover from it unless they went back…

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Quince Jam

Quince is a member of the apple and pear family, but its flesh is too tart to eat raw. Quince jam is typically loaded with sugar, however dates make a nutritious and delicious substitute. Ingredients: 2 large quince 6 cardamom pods 1 cinnamon stick 1 cup pitted dates Method: Chop quince roughly and place in…

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Can a plant-based diet cure IBS?

I often see the question “Can a plant-based diet cure IBS?” pop up in vegan Facebook groups. Since a) April is IBS Awareness Month and b) I’m seeing ever-increasing numbers of clients with IBS and other functional gastroenterological problems in my practice, I thought I’d grab the opportunity to address this burning question. First, what…

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Super Seaweed Sprinkle

A wholefood plant-based diet is far more nutrient-dense than the typical Standard Australian Diet (SAD), but its iodine content can tend toward the low side. Lately I’ve seen a number of plant-based clients whose urinary iodine excretion indicated inadequate intake of this vital trace mineral. My Super Seaweed Sprinkle is a delicious solution to the…

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Acid suppressors and antibiotics increase allergic disease

Giving babies acid suppressors and/or antibiotics increases their risk of anaphylaxis, eczema and asthma

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Apricot Hazelnut Spread

Dried apricots and hazelnuts make a great combo when turned into a spread. And don’t limit yourself to bread – apple slices make terrific vehicles for this yummy treat. Ingredients: 1 cup raw hazelnuts 1 cup dried apricots 1/2 cup dates 1 1/4 cups water   Method: Grind hazelnuts and set aside. Simmer dried apricots…

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Who says you’re depressed or anxious? Pfizer does

2 April 2018 I’ve been becoming increasingly worried over the years about the creeping medicalisation of human suffering. A frighteningly high percentage of my clients are either taking, or have been prescribed in the past, psychiatric medications including antidepressants, anti-anxiety agents and atypical antipsychotics (disingenuously marketed as ‘mood stabilisers’). I’ve written before about the total…

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