Diet and immunity: What’s the connection?

I have a confession to make. Sometimes, I spend too much time on Facebook. In my defence, I don’t post pictures of my lunch, or watch cat videos (well, not very often, anyway ;-)). No, my version of spending too much time on Facebook is getting involved in pointless discussions/arguments with people who hold silly…

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Does low meat consumption increase or decrease life expectancy in humans?

The priests of the Paleo movement constantly preach that humans evolved eating large amounts of meat (for evidence pointing in the opposite direction, see my Hot Topics April 2013 and June 2014 webinars), and that therefore we need to eat meat regularly – as the major source of daily calories – in order to achieve…

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5 tips for finding time to exercise

Everybody knows how important regular exercise is to their health and well-being (unless they’ve been hiding under a rock for the last 20 years!). But most Australians still don’t get anywhere near the amount of exercise they need to maintain a healthy body weight; reduce their risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and many…

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It’s in your G-BOMBS, NOT your genes!

What’s the major determinant of your health status – that is, your level of vitality, resistance to infectious disease, and susceptibility to chronic degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, dementia and type 2 diabetes? If you answered “My genes – my Mum/Dad/grandparents/whoever had cancer/heart disease/diabetes/arthritis/whatever so I guess I’m doomed to get it too”,…

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Are you a toxic waste dump?

One of the questions I’m asked most often by clients and cooking class participants, after I’ve advised them to centre every single meal on fruits and/or vegetables, is “Should I still eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables if I can’t afford organic produce?” This question, which of course reflects their concerns about pesticide…

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Lies, damned lies, and the media

Report from the ‘Paleo vs Plant Based? Tackling Current Controversies in Nutrition’ seminar – Part 3 On Wednesday 11 February I attended the ‘Paleo vs Plant Based? Tackling Current Controversies in Nutrition’ seminar at Sydney Adventist Hospital, featuring the renowned Canadian dietitian and author Brenda Davis; the grande dame of the Australian nutrition scene, Rosemary…

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Power Pack Smoothie

Who says you can’t get kids to eat their greens? Try drinking them instead! Did you know that green, leafy vegetables are, kilojoule for kilojoule, the most nutritious foods you can eat? They’re absolutely jam-packed with protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, antioxidants, cancer-fighting phytochemicals and other goodies. But how do you get enough of them…

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Kim’s Tempting Truffles

This recipe was given to me by my dear friend Kim. Kim is slowly but surely converting her children to wholesome food. Luckily, kids don’t need much encouragement to try these delicious, nutrient-rich concoctions! Seeds and nuts are packed with minerals, protein, ‘good’ fats, cholesterol-lowering phytosterols, artery-protecting arginine and powerful anti-cancer substances. The US Physicians’…

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Hidden Bean Brownies (or Hidden Brown Beanies)

This recipe was given to me by one of my clients, the amazingly culinarily talented Tamar. My son Mitchell, on finding they contained, of all things, BEANS, thought we should call them Hidden Bean Brownies. But in my crazy house, that quickly morphed into Hidden Brown Beanies. You can call them whatever you like. I…

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New Paleo or True Paleo?

Report from the ‘Paleo vs Plant Based? Tackling Current Controversies in Nutrition’ seminar – Part 2 On Wednesday 11 February 2015 I attended the ‘Paleo vs Plant Based? Tackling Current Controversies in Nutrition’ seminar at Sydney Adventist Hospital, featuring the renowned Canadian dietitian and author Brenda Davis; the grande dame of the Australian nutrition scene,…

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