Researchers find junk food is as addictive as nicotine and cocaine…
… so now you know why you can’t eat just one!! Many of my clients tell me they’re chocoholics (especially around that time of the month, for the ladies ;-)). But it’s no laughing matter! Addictions researchers have found that junk food triggers exactly the same responses in the brains of overweight people, as nicotine…

Junk food makes kids dumber
If you’re old enough to remember the Skyhooks song ‘Horror Movie’ (and not too embarrassed to admit knowing it), you might recall the lyrics: “It’s a horror movie right there on my TV Horror movie right there on my TV Horror movie and there’s known abuse Horror movie, it’s the six-thirty news.” Well, my version…

Can you change your genes?
What if you could change your genes, almost as quickly as you change your jeans? What if you could ‘switch off’ genes that cause disease processes, and ‘turn on’ genes that initiate healing processes? Mention the word ‘genes’ to most people, and what they think of is fixed, immutable carriers of information. The term ‘blueprint’…

Eating low-carb? Get your facts straight – your life depends on it!
So your personal trainer, the latest weight-loss book you picked up, and even your next-door neighbour are all telling you that if you want to lose weight and get healthy, you have to ditch those evil carbs and eat more protein (and they ALWAYS mean animal protein). But is this advice really backed up by…

The Mediterranean diet: sorting fact from fantasy
Everyone who’s interested in diet and health has heard of ‘the Mediterranean diet’. Advocates of this dietary pattern claim that it protects against heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome (characterised by excess abdominal fat, blood pressure and/or glucose levels, elevated total cholesterol and decreased HDL cholesterol), many types of cancer, and even asthma, allergies, Parkinson’s disease,…

Carbohydrates at night help you lose weight!
For years, I’ve been hearing from clients that their personal trainer/nutritionist/astrologer (OK, I made that last one up) told them not to eat ‘carbs’ after 4 pm, or 6 pm, or whatever particular witching hour their self-appointed weight-loss guru nominates, if they want to lose weight. The popular theory goes that eating a lot of…

Waking up a sluggish thyroid
Your thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating your metabolism. The hormones it produces affect the activity of literally every cell in your body – including your brain. An underactive thyroid gland, or anything that interferes with the activity of thyroid hormone, can cause a wide array of symptoms including: Mental and physical sluggishness; Difficulty…

Beat menopausal hot flushes with fruit-and-veg-powered weight loss
Hot flushes are the bane of many perimenopausal women’s lives. That sudden rush of heat from the chest up to the neck and face, is not just embarrassing or inconvenient. Hot flushes that occur at night – commonly called night sweats – can severely disrupt sleep, causing day-time fatigue. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the…

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH, is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate that afflicts older men. Over half of men in their 60s and up to 90% in their 70s and 80s have some symptoms of BPH, such as: Urinary hesitancy, urgency and leaking or dribbling; An interrupted, weak…

The top 5 tips for building strong, healthy bones
1) Exercise regularly, throughout your whole life When you do any kind of physical activity that puts some stress on your bones, cells within the bone sense this stress and respond by making the bone stronger and denser. Such weight-bearing exercise (including walking, dancing, jogging, jumping rope, weight-lifting, stair-climbing and racquet sports) causes the bones…