5 reasons to think twice before taking osteoporosis drugs

The broken bone business is lucrative, but what’s in it for patients?

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Making Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

The term New Year’s Resolution has come to mean ‘a promise that you break a few days into the New Year’! But there is a way to make commitments to yourself that you can really stick with. First, if you haven’t already downloaded my free action guide, ‘The 5 Steps to Breaking Bad Habits‘, please…

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How childhood trauma changes the brain… and how EFT and Matrix Reimprinting heal it

It’s a truism that childhood experiences continue to influence our emotional reactions and behaviour, even when we’re ‘all grown up’. And it’s also common wisdom that people who suffered traumatic events in childhood are more likely to experience psychological distress as adults. But until quite recently, no one really knew how events that happened to…

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Fighting with your partner is bad for your health… unless you choose the right words!

Using hostile words in an argument isn’t just bad for your relationship, it’s bad for your health – and your partner’s too! But choosing the right words can end the conflict sooner, and reduce the levels of body chemicals that promote cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and arthritis, in both of you. Every couple…

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‘Depressed’ or just going through a rough patch – have you been misdiagnosed?

2 June 2014 In the last couple of weeks, I’ve had several interesting conversations with clients who have a history of mental health diagnoses such as depression and anxiety. In each case, the client has expressed some doubt over whether their diagnosis was accurate, and consequently, whether the treatment they were prescribed – usually an…

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Is it safe for you to lose weight?

What am I talking about????? Being overweight is most definitely unsafe: it raises your risk of type 2 diabetes, many types of cancer, degenerative arthritis, depression, and a host of other nasty conditions. So how could losing weight possibly be unsafe? Well, there are many profoundly unsafe ways to lose weight (such as high-animal protein…

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Weight loss: the inside (your head) story

Weight loss. It’s really simple in theory: just eat less and move more. But it’s a little more complicated than that in practice! Recently I saw two clients in one day, both struggling to lose weight, for whom what was going on in their heads about weight loss was far more significant than what was…

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Understanding – and beating – food cravings

Food cravings – those bouts of intense, seemingly uncontrollable desire to get hold of and eat a particular food, are one of the most distressing roadblocks encountered by people who want to lose weight and maintain healthy eating habits. According to US research, nearly 100% of women and 70% of men report experiencing food cravings…

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Feeling stuck? You might have the ‘I’m not enough’ block

It’s funny how so many of my clients seem to turn up with the same issue, in any given week! Lately it’s been ‘I’m not enough’. There are many variations on this theme, but they lead to the same result: you find yourself sabotaging your success; procrastinating about your goals; and generally undermining your own…

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Overreacting? Time to clean out your baggage locker!

Do you ever find yourself getting things out of proportion? Do you become enraged when your boss ‘gives you that look’ or your child ‘uses that tone of voice’? Maybe your partner has told you you’re overreacting – which probably drives you bananas! Chances are, you have some baggage in your locker that’s driving your…

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