Changing habits: willpower vs clearing emotional blocks

OK, so you’ve been reading my articles for a little while. You’ve been thinking you really ought to improve your eating habits, get more exercise and sleep, and generally look after yourself better. But you just can’t seem to get started with those healthy changes… or you do make some changes, but then you lapse…

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Redeploying your Inner Saboteur

Is wrestling with your ‘Inner Saboteur’ a regular part of your life? Just about everyone has experienced the frustration and bitter disappointment of making a decision to achieve a goal (lose weight, quit smoking, get fit, stop getting angry at the kids…), only to find themselves continually lapsing back into the old behaviour. If your…

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Is your Inner Teenage Rebel sabotaging you?

Have you ever felt frustrated because you really want to do something – achieve a goal, break a bad habit, finish that job around the house or yard – but you just can’t seem to get started? You may be being sabotaged by your Inner Teenage Rebel. Two clients I saw this week came in…

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The healing gift of anger

I bet that title got your attention! After all, what could possibly be healing about anger? Isn’t it always described as a ‘negative emotion’ – something we should let go of as quickly as possible, so it doesn’t harm us and our relationships? Chronically angry people are unpleasant to be around, and there is compelling…

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Healing the wounded child within

Do you ever notice that your reactions to daily life events are… ahem… somewhat less mature than you would like them to be? Does your partner accuse you of being childish because you fly into a rage, sulk, or burst into tears during disputes? (Note to males: it’s a bad idea to say this when…

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Healing the past… changing the future

Does your life ever feel like the movie Groundhog Day? The same conflict playing out over and over again; repeatedly finding yourself feeling ripped off, let down, or sidelined; all your intimate relationships ending in the same unsatisfactory fashion; always missing out on what you want, while you watch others achieve their goals? Do you…

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Where is your emotional pain showing up?

After over 10 years of incorporating EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) into my practice, I’m pretty accustomed to miracles. Raging chocolate cravings disappearing forever in one session; rape trauma resolving in an hour or so, when months of conventional talk therapy had failed to help; crippling low self-esteem healing in weeks – these are normal occurrences…

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Rewrite your patterns and break free!

Have you ever noticed that certain themes seem to play out over and over in your life? Giving yourself generously to others then ending up feeling drained and exploited; placing trust in someone only to be betrayed; being forever on the brink of success without actually ‘making it’; these are just some of the patterns…

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Returning to healing

Recently I conducted a Matrix Reimprinting session with a client whom I’ll call Devorah. She was struggling with the enormous sense of pressure she felt to live up to the ideal of womanhood that her religious community espouses. She felt compelled to do everything perfectly: to always be a calm, loving mother, meeting all her…

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Finding the safe haven within

Have you ever felt frustrated that you’re not achieving what you know you’re truly capable of? Or do you find yourself doubting that you really are capable, even when others tell you that you are, or when you’re surrounded by evidence of your own ability? Most of us have, at some stage! If this is a…

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