Rewrite your patterns and break free!
Have you ever noticed that certain themes seem to play out over and over in your life? Giving yourself generously to others then ending up feeling drained and exploited; placing trust in someone only to be betrayed; being forever on the brink of success without actually ‘making it’; these are just some of the patterns…

Returning to healing
Recently I conducted a Matrix Reimprinting session with a client whom I’ll call Devorah. She was struggling with the enormous sense of pressure she felt to live up to the ideal of womanhood that her religious community espouses. She felt compelled to do everything perfectly: to always be a calm, loving mother, meeting all her…

Finding the safe haven within
Have you ever felt frustrated that you’re not achieving what you know you’re truly capable of? Or do you find yourself doubting that you really are capable, even when others tell you that you are, or when you’re surrounded by evidence of your own ability? Most of us have, at some stage! If this is a…

Taking action on procrastination
“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.” Mark Twain quipped. But the struggle that many people experience with procrastination is anything but funny. Procrastination takes a variety of forms: delaying starting an important task; getting half-way with a project then not being able to complete it; becoming bogged down…

Finding love… when you don’t have a map
Ahhh, love! Everybody wants to find it, but many of us don’t quite know where to look. We may find ourselves blindly following the path that everybody else seems to be on, only to discover that it doesn’t lead to the place we expected it to (cue that legendary Talking Heads song ‘Once in a…

The power of taking back your power
‘Catherine’ is a delightful woman in her late 50s, with whom I’ve been working for quite some time. She is a breast cancer survivor, and like many people who’ve been on the cancer roller coaster, she took her illness as an indicator that it was time to change her life direction, and do what she…

Healing your relationship with your parents – even if they’re no longer with you
Joseph came to see me after finding a suspicious lump, in a location where he had previously had a benign tumour. He was awaiting a diagnosis, but his doctor was concerned that Joseph had cancer, and Joseph himself was deeply worried. He told me that ever since he had found the lump, he had a…

Delete your failure program
If you’ve ever read a self-help book, you know the importance of setting goals. All self-improvement gurus, coaches and trainers encourage the setting of goals, in order to focus you on what you really want and maintain your momentum in moving toward it. But what if setting a goal triggers your ‘failure program’? Many people…

Plant-based diet planning
Are you vegetarian or vegan, and concerned that your diet might not be providing you with everything you need? Are you thinking of going veg, but have some worries or fears about it? Are you wondering whether you can have a healthy vegetarian or vegan pregnancy, baby and child? Has your child decided to go…

The right way to lose weight
Are you sick and tired of the diet merry-go-round? Are you confused by all the contradictory dietary advice out there? Have you ‘tried it all’… but you’re still struggling with your weight? Then read on – I have some good news for you! High-carb, low-fat diet/high-fat, low-carb diet/high-protein, low-carb diet/blood type diet/meal replacement shakes/fat blocking…