More proof that the oral contraceptive pill causes depression
A UK study has found that taking the oral contraceptive pill doubles the risk of experiencing symptoms of depression, during the first two years of use.

New paper demolishes the claim that ‘COVID vaccines saved lives’
Politicians and health bureaucrats now admit the COVID vaccines don’t prevent infection, but still claim they prevent severe illness and death. A new report comprehensively debunks that claim.

A quick update on skin cancer screening and melanoma incidence
Fewer people had skin cancer checks in 2020, due to the COVID response. What impact has this had on melanoma diagnoses?

Academia and the new dark age: Part 6 – Head Girls vs physician thought criminals
One of the world’s leading medical journals has published a paper calling for dissenting doctors to be aggressively silenced.

How to spot bullsh*t arguments – Part 2
As the COVID clowncar tries to get itself back on the road again, there’s never been a more important time to brush up on your logical fallacy-spotting skills.

How to spot bullsh*t arguments – Part 1
Logical fallacies are one of the major tools used by people trying to bullsh*t you. Learning how to spot them is a crucial skill of intellectual self-defence.

How to sharpen your bullsh*t detection skills
In a world awash with bullsh*t, Carl Sagan’s Baloney Detection Kit offers critical tools for intellectual self-defence.

My (non)submission to the Ministry of Truth
The ‘Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation’ bill is an attack on the fundamental principles of democracy. Have your say, before it’s too late.

Academia and the new dark age: Part 5 – Revenge of the Nerds
Five social studies academics sent a questionnaire on gender identity to engineering students, and got a little more than they bargained for.

Protecting children against the trans agenda
Protecting children against the trans agenda is our duty. We shirk this duty at our own peril.