Leek and Kale Quiche

I adapted this recipe from the Thermomix A Taste of Vegetarian cookbook. Simple, nutritious and delicious!




100 g almonds
40 g sesame seeds
200 g rolled oats
120 ml water


1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped
1 leek, cleaned and roughly chopped
3 cloves garlic
1/2-1 red chilli, de-seeded
1 bunch kale, de-stemmed
50 ml water
100 g raw cashews
150 ml water
40 g cornflour or arrowroot
250 g silken tofu




Grind almonds, seeds and oats in food processor or Thermomix (sp 9) for 1 minute. Add water and mix for 5-10 seconds (sp 6). Press into quiche dish or springform pan.


Pre-heat oven to 160°C.

Chop onion, leeks, garlic, chilli and kale in Thermomix bowl for 5-10 sec on sp 7 (or hand-chop finely). Add 50 ml water and sauté for 4 mins at 100°C on sp 1 (or transfer to a frying pan and water sauté). Remove vegetable mix from Thermomix bowl.

Place cashews in TM bowl and mill for 30 sec, sp 9 (or grind in food processor). Add 150 ml water and blend for 1 min on sp 9. Add cornflour/arrowroot and tofu, blend for 30 sec, sp 9. Add sautéed vegetables and mix for 5-10 sec on sp 6.

Pour into unbaked pie crust and bake for 45 minutes.

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  • Kate

    Reply Reply 31/10/2012

    I am so trying the quiche! Love a good alternative to dairy……….and rhubarb and apple crumble is one of my favourite desserts, I do have my own recipe, however I am always open to new ones! Thanks guys, Kate

  • Sholom

    Reply Reply 05/05/2013

    I made the quiche today. It was amazing. For a verition in one of them (I doubled the recipe and made two) I filled the dish with half the vegge mix then I sliced one tomato laid it ontop and cover the tomato with the rest of the veggie mix. Came out yum. Thanks.

  • robynchuter

    Reply Reply 05/05/2013

    I love the idea of making 2 at once so you can have another meal with hardly any ore work! And the ‘secret’ tomato filling sound so good – I’ll do that next time I make it.

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