Rewrite your patterns and break free!

Have you ever noticed that certain themes seem to play out over and over in your life? Giving yourself generously to others then ending up feeling drained and exploited; placing trust in someone only to be betrayed; being forever on the brink of success without actually ‘making it’; these are just some of the patterns that have come to my clients’ awareness either before they seek my help, or in the course of exploring their current issues.

That ‘groundhog day’ feeling is so frustrating – especially if you’re a self-aware person who has been striving to live life more consciously rather than repeating old mistakes!

The most exciting and intriguing tool that I’ve encountered for addressing this issue is Pattern Matrix, a protocol used in Matrix Reimprinting. Like the other Matrix Reimprinting techniques, Pattern Matrix works with the understanding given to us by quantum physics: we – our physical bodies, and our emotions too – are energy and information.

The recurring patterns we experience are also made up of energy; think of them as being like particular radio frequencies that we unconsciously tune into, just like a radio picks up the specific frequency signal it is tuned to.

When doing a Matrix Reimprinting session, we use our imagination to enter a memory that is troubling us, and change elements of that remembered event, and/or our behaviour during it, so that we can experience the event differently. As we do so, we are changing the energy and information of the memory, which alters the way it is stored in our body-mind.

I have seen the effects of this energy shift time and time again when working with people who’ve had traumatic experiences that still trigger them emotionally, years after the event: after working through those experiences with either EFT or Matrix Reimprinting, when they try to remember the event it either feels like something they saw on TV or were told about by somebody else, or they ‘see’ the reworked version that we created during the Matrix Reimprinting session.

Pattern Matrix takes this one step further. By working with the pattern as a metaphor (spontaneously generated by the unconscious mind), and bringing in whatever is needed to change that pattern for the better, the entire energy of the pattern is altered. What may surprise you is how effortlessly and quickly you can generate that pattern, and how you intuitively know how to change it.

To give some examples from my recent sessions, one client saw her pattern as a checked tablecloth with little ‘islands’ on it, representing the individual events that conformed to her pattern. Without any hesitation, she knew she needed to tip red paint all over the tablecloth, squash the islands flat with a car crusher, then burn the whole thing.

Another client saw her pattern as squares with thick black edges, all compacted together, and knew that they needed to be transformed into a sinuous, organic shape speckled with silver.

As I write these words, I realise that it may sound very strange and ‘airy fairy’. There’s simply no way to do justice to the experience both these women had as they worked energetically on their patterns, watching them transform before their eyes, and gaining profound realisations about themselves in the process: I am safe, I am loved, it’s OK to be me, I am strong enough.

Pattern Matrix does not take away the necessity to work through individual memories, but it does facilitate a more proactive approach. Instead of simply working through all our negative past experiences to neutralise them, in hopes that we will thereby prevent ourselves from being triggered by present experiences that remind us of the past trauma, we can create a future in which we respond exactly the way we choose to, grounded in the awareness of our wholeness and perfection.

Are you stuck in a recurring pattern that you just can’t break free of, no matter how hard you try? Would you like expert guidance to get you unstuck so you can thrive in every area of your life – health, wealth, relationships, personal fulfillment?

Apply for a Roadmap to Optimal Health Consultation to discover how I can help you.


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