Red Lentil Wraps
I heard about these delicious, nutritious and super-simple wraps while listening to Corinne Nijjer’s fabulous podcast – thanks Corinne! (Don’t forget to check out my interview with Corinne, while you’re there :).) A quick Google revealed several variants of the basic recipe. Here’s my take on this modern classic. Ingredients: 3/4 cup split red lentils…

Of bugs and brains – how your gut microbiome affects mental health
As I discussed in last week’s blog post, Drugs and gut bugs, research on the human gut microbiome is burgeoning at an astonishing rate. One of the most fascinating areas of research is the complex interplay between our bugs and our brains – the constant back-and-forth signalling between our gut microbiota and regions in our…

Beetroot Couscous Burgers
You’ve figured out by now that I love burgers, right? The fantastic thing about making plant-based burgers is that you can just mash up whatever grains or legumes you happen to have cooked with some roasted vegetables, herbs and spices, roll them into balls, bake them, and voilá – vegie burgers! I happened to have…

Drugs and gut bugs
I’m sure you’ve noticed that the gut microbiome is currently one of the hottest fields of research, emerging from relative obscurity to superstar status in the last 15 years. In fact, a staggering 12 900 articles focusing on the gut microbiota were published in medical and scientific journals between 2013 and 2017, 4000 of them…

Plantain, Aduki Bean and Peanut Stew
In case you haven’t noticed, I am seriously obsessed with plantains at the moment! I’m getting a steady supply of cheap plantains through my organic co-op, which are inspiring my kitchen creations. Today I felt in the mood for an African-style plantain stew with peanuts. Aduki beans aren’t exactly a mainstay of African cuisine, but…

Statin drugs – are they worth the risk?
Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs remain the most prescribed drugs in Australia, with almost 23 million prescriptions written for the top 3 drugs in this class (atorvastatin, rosuvastatin and simvastatin) in the 2016-17 financial year. A meta-analysis of clinical trials published in JAMA Cardiology on 1 August 2018 found that statins and other cholesterol-lowering drugs significantly reduce…

Creamy Broccoli and Mushroom Fettuccine
I have recently discovered konjac pasta. Konjac is an Asian root vegetable which contains roughly 40% glucomannan, a type of soluble fibre that has been shown to lower cholesterol and improve insulin sensitivity (thus reducing blood sugar level), largely by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and suppressing disease-causing ones. It also creates a…

Healing food addiction – an intimate conversation with Andrew ‘Spud Fit’ Taylor
I’m delighted to share an intimate and wide-ranging conversation with Andrew ‘Spud Fit’ Taylor, to celebrate the release of his new book (to which I contributed one of my favourite recipes, Sweet Potato Brownies), The Spud Fit Cookbook. In the interview we discussed: Why Andrew undertook his 1-year potato challenge, in which for the entire…

Organic vs conventional produce – is organic worth it?
One of the questions I’m most often asked by my clients is, “How important is it to buy organic produce? Should I only eat organic?” Here’s an excerpt from an email I received on the subject: “I’d love to buy 100% organic, but from the time I retired, I have found it increasingly difficult to…

Caramelised Coconut Plantains
I have been making up for the sad fact that I did not know about plantains for the first 46 years of my life, by experimenting with every conceivable way of preparing these delicious, nutritious beauties. When the remnants of the last bunch that I bought had reached the super-ripe state, I figured it was…