Pizza Pizzazz
I LOVE pizza night! I’ve experimented with all sorts of pizza bases, from Lebanese bread to polenta pizza crust to commercial wholemeal crusts. With a 5 kg bag of organic wholemeal spelt flour in the fridge, I decided it was time to try a spelt pizza crust. I followed the pizza crust recipe in my…

For an easier menopause, eat plants!
A recently-published study confirms what plant-based practitioners have observed in clinical practice over many years: women who eat a plant-based diet have an easier transition through menopause. The title of the study gives away the punch line: “Vegans report less bothersome vasomotor and physical menopausal symptoms than omnivores”. The authors surveyed female vegans, vegetarians, and…

Kale Pesto
My basil plant has continued to thrive despite Sydney’s recent spate of cold weather, enjoying its sunny spot on our front porch. As a result, we’ve been blessed with an abundance of fragrant basil leaves throughout winter, which inspired this recipe. Stir Kale Pesto through your favourite wholemeal or legume pasta, dollop it on baked…

Diabetes: ‘awareness’ vs action
The endless parade of ‘disease awareness’ days, weeks and months rolls on. This time it’s diabetes’ turn to twirl the baton, with Diabetes Australia declaring 8-14 July National Diabetes Week. Diabetes Australia summarises the mission of National Diabetes Week, and the broader ‘It’s About Time’ Campaign of which it forms part, as follows: “Diabetes Australia’s…

Depressing drugs
A recent US study has revealed a worrying trend: in the midst of growing concerns about rising rates of depression, nearly 40% of adults are taking prescription drugs that can cause depression as a ‘side effect’, and the number of people taking such drugs is steadily increasing. The study, conducted by researchers at the University…

Tangy Passionfruit Nice Cream
My favourite fruit and vegie shop had overripe bananas for $3 a box last week. Happy days! I peeled them, chopped them up and popped them in the freezer, and have been experimenting with different versions of Nice Cream ever since. Baobab powder is optional for this recipe, but it adds to the tanginess –…

Flu vaccination – 2018 update
Winter is now well underway in the southern hemisphere, and so is the annual push to persuade everyone with a pulse to get a flu vaccine. Interest in this topic was high among members of my EmpowerEd health and nutrition education program, so I decided to run a Deep Dive webinar on flu vaccination, which…

Home-made Toothpaste
In this month’s live Ask Robyn Q&A session (a membership benefit of my EmpowerEd health and nutrition education program), a question about dental hygiene popped up. The research that I did to answer the question got me thinking: could I create a simple home-made toothpaste that combines the dental health benefits of xylitol, essential oils…

Preventing bowel cancer
18 June 2018 June has been designated Bowel Cancer Awareness Month by Bowel Cancer Australia, which aims to ‘raise awareness’ of this disease – officially titled colorectal cancer – as the second leading cause of cancer death in Australia. I have no doubt whatsoever that the individuals involved in Bowel Cancer Australia are well-motivated people…