Dietary advice from doctors

One of the most common complaints I hear from my clients about the various medical professionals they have dealings with is “My doctor doesn’t seem to know anything about nutrition.” Over the 20+ years that I’ve been in clinical practice, countless clients with conditions that are definitely diet-responsive, such as inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis,…

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Beetroot Hazelnut Dip

I decided to make hazelnut milk out of some of the delicious fresh hazelnuts that arrived in my organic fruit & veg box, and the handy nut milk bag that Kris Goetz of The Mylk Revolution kindly gifted me. But what to do with the meal left after I’d squeezed every last drop of delicious…

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Thyroid myths and misunderstandings

One of the most frustrating elements of my work as a health practitioner is having to dispel misinformation. Every day, a client or EmpowerEd member tells me that they read on the Internet that soy causes breast cancer (it doesn’t), that fruit makes you fat (it doesn’t), that women need to eat more fat for…

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My fasting adventure

I’ve been cognisant of the remarkable power of water-only fasting to facilitate healing and recovery from illness since my early 20s, when I worked for osteopath and naturopath Greg Fitzgerald, while I was at naturopathic college. Along with my first nutrition lecturer at college, Brian Pettiford, Greg introduced me to the comprehensive system of healing…

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A new season’s crop of hazelnuts in my organic produce box this week inspired me to create a healthy version of Nutella. Here it is – a dairy-free, refined sugar-free, hydrogenated oil-free version of the classic chocolate hazelnut spread. Enjoy! Ingredients: 1/2 cup chopped pitted dates 1/2 cup plant milk – I used oat milk…

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Dr Klaper Healthcare in Nutrition Symposium

According to conventional wisdom, you should never meet your heroes because it’s bound to end in disappointment. Well, when it comes to Dr Michael Klaper, with whom I shared the stage at the inaugural Nutrition in Healthcare Symposium at Sydney’s Royal Prince Alfred Hospital on Sunday 12 November, I can vouch that the old saying…

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Preventing dementia

I’m devoting this, my fifth update on the 5th International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference, held in Anaheim, California in September 2017, to just one presentation – ‘Alzheimer’s and Diet: New Research Frontiers’, by husband-and-wife researchers Drs Ayesha and Dean Sherzai. Dementia in general, and Alzheimer’s disease in particular, is probably the condition that people fear…

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Gingered Mango Pudding

Now that it’s mango season here in the Southern Hemisphere, I’m experimenting with more tropical versions of one of my all-time favourite recipes, buckwheat pudding. This is my latest creation. It can be served either for breakfast or dessert. Ingredients: 1 cup buckwheat Flesh of 1 large mango 1 cm piece ginger, peeled 1/2 tsp…

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Cardiometabolic disease – is sugar or fat to blame?

    In this, my fourth report on the 5th International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference (PBNHC), I’m covering 4 presentations that focused on cardiovascular disease and its risk factors: ‘The Bitter Truth of Sugar Addiction’ by Dr Robert Lustig, ‘Sugar and Heart Disease: What Does the Research Say?’ by Dr Kim Williams, ‘Prevent and Reverse…

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Cancer prevention and treatment

In this, my third update on the 5th International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference (PBNHC), held in Anaheim, California in September 2017, I’m going to summarise 3 presentations that focused on cancer. Dr William Li’s presentation was provocatively titled ‘Can You Starve Cancer?’; oncologist Delia Garcia’s presentation, ‘Breast Cancer Prevention and Plant-Based Nutrition’ zeroed in on…

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