Plant-Based Nutrition and Coronary Artery Disease
Dr Caldwell Esselstyn is a force of nature. At 82, he still directs the cardiovascular prevention and reversal program at The Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, and travels around the US regularly (hopefully he’ll come to Australia one day!), spreading his message that coronary artery disease is a reversible condition, even when it’s so advanced that mainstream…

Plant-based diets for the treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCOS is believed to affect up to 1 in 10 women of reproductive age in both Australia and the US. It is the most common cause of female infertility, since women with PCOS either only ovulate occasionally, or not at all. I have seen many clients with PCOS over my 20 years in practice, which…

The Universe Within
As I see more and more clients with complex, chronic health conditions, I am frequently reminded of Hippocrates’ statement from over 2000 years ago: All disease begins in the gut. Now, like a lot of pithy sayings, there will always be some exceptions to the rule, but as researchers delve into the inner workings of…

The Angiogenesis of Health and Disease
One of the presentations I was most looking forward to at the 2014 International Plant-Based Healthcare Nutrition Conference (PBNHC) was the one that Dr William Li, the Medical Director and Co-founder of the Angiogenesis Foundation, was slated to give. Having watched Dr Li’s TED talk, Can we eat to starve cancer?, I was keen to…

Why Plant-Based Nutrition?
Dr Scott Stoll is one of the driving forces of the International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference. He and his 2 co-founders, Tom Dunnam and Susan Benigas, hold a grand vision; one that, in fact, was first put into words at the beginning of the 20th century by the brilliant inventor Thomas Edison: “The doctor of…

Understanding Nutrition Must Begin with Principles
Professor T. Colin Campbell is widely acknowledged as the intellectual grand-daddy of the whole food plant-based nutrition movement. In fact, he coined the phrase ‘whole food plant-based’, in order to distinguish his ideas about optimal nutrition for humans from vegetarian and vegan eating patterns, which include animal products in the former case, and not infrequently…

Plant-Based Nutrition and Cancer
Dr Dean Ornish is nothing short of legendary in the field of plant-based nutrition research. His research career began in 1983, and since then he has published numerous carefully-conducted studies in peer-reviewed medical journals demonstrating that his comprehensive lifestyle program comprising a low-fat plant-based diet, regular moderate exercise, training in stress management techniques and structured…

Taking the ‘die’ out of your diet
Dr Kim Allan Williams is kind of into ‘firsts’. He’s the first African American to be elected president of the American College of Cardiology, which is highly significant because African Americans suffer the ravages of cardiovascular disease more than any ethnic subgroup in the US: African Americans have the highest age-adjusted death rates due to…

“I don’t mind dying. I just don’t want it to be my fault.”
These memorable words were spoken by Kim Williams, current president of the American College of Cardiology, outspoken advocate of a wholefood, plant-based diet, and keynote speaker at the 3rd International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference. Yes, we are all going to die, some day. But as Dr Williams and the other speakers emphasised, we have the…

California Dreamin’
As I mentioned in last week’s post, my family and I are touring California for 2 weeks before I attend the 3rd International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference in Anaheim (guess where the rest of the family is going while I’m at the conference ;-)). Before we left Australia, several people asked me if I was…