Sweet Potato, Zucchini and Kale Bake

This is a healthied-up version of the perennial favourite, potato bake. Ingredients: 2 medium sweet potatoes (about 500 g), peeled and sliced 3 mm thick 2 medium zucchini, sliced 3 mm thick 1 bunch kale, de-stemmed and finely shredded 30 g sesame seeds 60 g almonds 3 cloves garlic 300 ml plant milk 2 tsp…

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Spicy Eggplant Burgers

Eggplant is rich in the pigments anthocyanins which lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, and in chlorogenic acid, a powerful free radical scavenger that also lowers LDL cholesterol. Lentils, like all legumes, are rich in resistant starches that foster the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, and cause our bodies to burn stored fat, rather than…

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Aduki Bean Pie

My kids absolutely LOVE pies! I think I could put dirt in a pie and they would eat it, just because it was a pie :). The problem with pies is pastry – specifically, what to use in place of the usual margarine (yech!) or oil. Solution: tahini. This paste of ground sesame seeds binds…

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Dissolving the fears that hold you back

Fear is one of our most primal emotions, and it serves a very useful purpose: it prevents us from needlessly doing stupid and dangerous things! It’s safe to assume that fearless cave-people who didn’t heed their extremely sensible fear of leaving the cave after dark, or approaching very large animals with very sharp teeth, got…

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Top 10 tips for healthy eating – Part 2

Recently I was asked by food blogger, home cook and photographer extraordinaire, Megan Young of Veggies and Me, for my top 10 tips on healthy eating. (Read the whole post here.) In the previous post and this one, I elaborate on these tips, so you can fully grasp the profound impact that implementing them will…

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Are you sabotaging your success with the wrong kind of praise?

What could possibly be wrong with praise? It makes us feel good, improves our self-esteem and motivates us to achieve more, right? Well, not exactly… It all depends on what kind of praise. Research on children in the US (1) has shown that the right kind of praise helps kids develop attitudes and skills that…

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Feed the (wo)man diabetes

As I wrote in another article, Eating meat: the fast track to diabesity, epidemiological (population-study) evidence strongly points to meat consumption as a major contributing factor to obesity and diabetes. Epidemiological studies, however, can only suggest, not prove, a cause-and-effect relationship; until a ‘smoking gun’ that shows a mechanism of action is found, the ideas…

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The Highly Sensitive Temperament and your health

It seems my article on the Highly Sensitive Temperament (HST) struck a chord with many readers! One of the responses I got was from a young woman whom I’ll call Lana. She wrote: “Hi Robyn I would just like to say how helpful this email was. I took the ‘highly sensitive’ quiz [on Elaine Aron’s…

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Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?

Many years ago, I came across the concept of the Highly Sensitive Temperament (now also called sensory-processing sensitivity), as initially described by psychologist, Dr Elaine Aron. As I read through the description of this temperament, and ticked just about every box on the diagnostic checklist, I felt a huge sense of relief: lots of other…

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Food pyramid fallacies: What’s wrong with the Food Pyramid Guidelines?

You’ve seen the ‘official’ Food Pyramid on the back of cereal boxes, in brochures at the doctor’s office, and even on posters in your children’s classrooms. But do you know how it was developed? And more importantly, are you aware how deficient your diet will be in key nutrients if you follow these guidelines, and…

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