Recipes – Salads

9 Treasure Salad Apple and Cucumber Salad Autumn Pear and Pomegranate Salad French Sorrel, Beetroot, Potato and Tempeh Salad Israeli Couscous, Sweet Potato and Broccoli Salad Kale and Beetroot Salad Kale Streamer Salad Marinated Kale Salad Mitch’s Famous Anti-Cancer Salad Pinto Bean and Corn Salad Pumpkin and Pomegranate Salad Royal Red Coleslaw Warm Potato Salad

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How old are your cells?

If the aim of life is, as one wit put it, ‘to die young as late as possible,’ then we have to answer the questions What makes us old? and What can we do about it? I’m not talking about chronological aging here – none of us can erase our birthdays – but about biological…

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Live long and prosper… or degenerate and die prematurely? It’s your choice!

Ever since the discovery of DNA, science and medicine have been obsessed with genes. Many people – including most doctors – believe that genes determine your physical and mental health and longevity. But the exciting new science of epigenetics is proving these genetic determinists wrong. Your ‘bad genes’ can be turned off, and your ‘good genes’  turned…

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In your genes, or in your hands? The epigenetics of cancer

In a previous post, I wrote about epigenetics, the exciting new science that’s illuminating how our daily lifestyle choices affect the expression of our genes, and what this means for our health. In this article, I’m going to focus on epigenetic influences on cancer. People who have a family history of cancer are often afraid…

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Cancer prevention: myths, cons and big fat lies

Hard on the heels of the study that claimed to show fruit and vegetables don’t prevent cancer, comes this doozy: The world’s largest breast cancer charity, Susan G. Komen For the Cure®, has teamed up with KFC “to raise funds and spread breast cancer awareness and educational messaging”. Participating KFC franchises in the US will…

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Can you eliminate your risk of developing breast cancer?

Pioneering vitamin D researcher Dr Cedric Garland had an extraordinary message to deliver to delegates at a medical conference in Toronto, Canada in November 2009: Breast cancer is a disease so directly related to vitamin D deficiency, that a woman could virtually eliminate her risk of developing breast cancer by restoring her vitamin D levels…

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Mushrooms vs cancer

So you thought mushrooms were just a little something to toss in your stir-fry or salad; or worse still, the butt of jokes involving being kept in the dark and fed compost. Well, it turns out these humble little fungi have a secret identity: they are fully-fledged cancer fighters, with an array of tumour-smashing weaponry…

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Is your weight loss plan giving you cancer?

As a health practitioner dedicated to teaching my clients how to live the longest, heathiest lives possible for them, there are few things that disturb me more deeply than the current trend of promoting high protein diets (which invariably means animal food-based diets, since virtually no one seems to understand that ALL of our dietary…

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PSA screening leads to unnecessary treatment… and suffering

Are you a male over 50? Has your GP advised you to have a PSA (prostate specific antigen) test, “Just as a routine check”? Ready for a shock? There are very good reasons NOT to! The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) recommends annual screening, through PSA testing and digital rectal examination (DRE) to all…

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5 reasons to think twice before taking calcium pills

Calcium supplements are widely promoted in popular media, and routinely prescribed by both medical doctors and naturopaths to postmenopausal women, particularly those who have been diagnosed with low bone density. Many vegans consume calcium supplements and/or calcium-fortified foods because they worry that their dietary intake of calcium may be inadequate. Because calcium is a mineral…

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