Top 7 tips for getting children to eat healthy foods
As I talk to other parents and observe the media, I often wonder to myself When did it become normal for kids to be so SICK???? I’m constantly amazed (and horrified), when parents bring me a child who’s had 10 courses of antibiotics by the age of 3; who is on daily medications; who is…

Resolving trauma
Did you suffer, or fear that you would suffer, abandonment (either physical or emotional) by your parents when you were a child? Have you experienced a serious accident, child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, mugging, a natural disaster, armed combat, or being diagnosed with a potentially fatal illness? Have you been in a situation where…

Beating procrastination
“I’ll get around to it one day…” “I know I should, but I just can’t get started.” “Every time I think of doing it, I just freeze.” “I find a million other things to do, rather than doing ‘it’.” Do any of these statements ring true for you? Procrastination is an all-too-familiar problem for many…

Cravings and addictions
Are you battling addictive cravings for cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, sugar and other junk foods, or drugs? Do you struggle to control your spending, gambling, or internet usage? Does your spouse say you’re a workaholic, or addicted to the gym? Have you quit before, but you just keep going back to it? Read on… help is…

You were born to be happy… What happened?
It may be stating the obvious, but you weren’t born depressed, anxious or with low self-esteem. You weren’t born with fears or phobias that hold you back from doing what you really want to do. You didn’t come into this world feeling cursed to be always poor, unhappy or in bad relationships. You were born…

Chunky Bean Chilli
In my family, these simple, but delicious combos of vegetables, tomato and beans are known as ‘thingies’. The official name for them in the US is ‘chilli’. Whether or not you add chilli is entirely up to you. I have one child for whom too much chilli is never enough, and another who writhes in…

Mushroom Loaf
This loaf is easy to make, nutritious and delicious! Ingredients: ¾ cup brown rice 1½ cups water 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1/2 cup chopped celery 2 cups chopped Swiss brown mushrooms 1 tbsp Dr Fuhrman’s VegiZest or other no added salt seasoning 2 tsp paprika 1½ tsp oregano 1½ tsp basil 1 tsp…

Mean Greens and Black Beans with ‘Cheesy’ Polenta’
Kale is the ultimate superfood, rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, antioxidants and the cancer-fighting chemicals found in all cruciferous vegetables. Black beans have the highest amount of combined resistant starch and fibre of any legume. This makes them the ideal food for diabetics, people who need to lose weight, and people struggling with between-meal cravings.…

Eggplant and Bean Vegie Stacks with Polenta
The inspiration for this spectacular dish came from an utterly mundane source: I had a whole lot of vegies in my fridge that I needed to use up! It turned out to be such a hit that my kids are now begging me to make it every week. Ingredients: Polenta 1 litre water 1 cup…

Creamed Mushrooms and Greens
Mushrooms have profound anti-cancer properties, and are a good source of vitamin B12 and protein. Green leafy vegetables have the nutrient-per-kilojoule score of any food – they should be incorporated into at least 2 of your daily meals, and preferably 3! Green peas have a low glycaemic index, which stabilises blood sugar level, and contain…