International Plant-Based Nutrition Heathcare Conference Round-up – Part 7

Whitewashed: How Industry and Government Promote Dairy Junk Foods How your taxes help push junk food to kids Michele Simon is a remarkable woman. With degrees in biology, public health and law, she has devoted her career to holding the processed food and alcohol industries to account for the multitude of ways in which they…

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International Plant-Based Nutrition Heathcare Conference Round-up – Part 6

Can Nutrition Reverse Cardiovascular Disease: Fact or Fiction? The biggest lie ever told about heart disease Dr Caldwell Esselstyn – affectionately know as ‘Essie’ to his family, friends and patients – is a living legend in the field of nutritional medicine. The extraordinary results he has achieved with so-called ‘cardiac cripples’ (people whose heart disease…

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International Plant-Based Nutrition Heathcare Conference Round-up – Part 5

Solving Diabetes: The Sweet Spot of Plant-Based Nutrition What’s the best diet for preventing and reversing type 2 diabetes? Dr Scott Stoll left the audience of over 400 doctors, nurses, dietitians, nutritionists, naturopaths, health coaches, personal trainers and lay people from 15 countries attending the conference in no doubt about the answer to this question:…

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Good mood food

Depression, anxiety, feelings of overwhelm and general stress are modern-day epidemics. Yet when people go to see a doctor or psychologist about their mental health, they are hardly ever asked what they eat. According to this fascinating study, that’s a huge mistake. Researchers at Arizona State University have found that a diet free of all flesh…

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International Plant-Based Nutrition Heathcare Conference Round-up – Part 4

The Power of Lifestyle Changes, Social Networks & Love What’s the best motivation for changing your lifestyle habits? Dr Dean Ornish is a legend in the field of lifestyle medicine; that is, the practice of treating – not just preventing – disease by helping patients change the way they eat, exercise, relax and relate to…

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International Plant-Based Nutrition Heathcare Conference Round-up – Part 3

The Pleasure Trap – The Hidden Force that Undermines Health Are you caught in the ‘Pleasure Trap’? I’ve been recommending Dr Doug Lisle’s book The Pleasure Trap (co-authored by Alan Goldhamer) to clients who struggle to change their lifestyle habits, even when they know what they need to do to get healthy, since it first came…

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International Plant-Based Nutrition Heathcare Conference Round-up – Part 2

Dr. McDougall’s Color Picture Book: “Food Poisoning” and How to Cure It Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, GERD (reflux) and constipation aren’t usually what you think of when you hear the phrase ‘food poisoning’ But according to Dr John McDougall, that’s exactly what these conditions are: the results of chronic poisoning by foods that…

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International Plant-Based Nutrition Heathcare Conference Round-up – Part 1

The Role of Diet in Preventing and Treating the Leading Causes of Disability What do angina, low back pain, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, bowel and breast cancer have in common? Answer # 1: They’re all among the top 20 causes of disability in the world, according to a study published in The Lancet in 2012…

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Food: The Hidden Addiction

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Healthy Plant-Based Eating for Children

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