Healing food addiction – an intimate conversation with Andrew ‘Spud Fit’ Taylor

I’m delighted to share an intimate and wide-ranging conversation with Andrew ‘Spud Fit’ Taylor, to celebrate the release of his new book (to which I contributed one of my favourite recipes, Sweet Potato Brownies), The Spud Fit Cookbook.

In the interview we discussed:

  • Why Andrew undertook his 1-year potato challenge, in which for the entire year of 2016, he ate nothing but potatoes.
  • The link between psychological conditions such as anxiety and depression, physical health and food.
  • How growing up as ‘the fat kid’ affected his self-concept.
  • Andrew’s definition of food addiction, and the similarities he sees between food addiction, smoking, alcoholism and other addictions.
  • The criticisms he received from the media and health professionals while on his all-potato diet, and how he responded to them.
  • The differences between a vegan diet and a wholefood plant-based diet, and why Andrew now eats the latter.
  • The reason he wrote The Spud Fit Cookbook, and what he hopes readers will gain from it (spoiler alert – he wants everyone to experience the life-changing benefits that he now enjoys :)).
  • And much more!

I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did. Andrew is a remarkable human being – insightful, funny, deeply committed to being the best person he can be, and passionate about helping other people feel and be their best too. And yet he’s profoundly ordinary too – an ‘everyman’ whom just about everyone can relate to, even if they don’t share his background of obesity, poor health and food addiction.

Don’t forget to check out Andrew’s website, at which you can subscribe to his newsletter and learn more about his coaching programs.

And you can take advantage of special early-bird pricing on The Spud Fit Cookbook too by pre-ordering now.

Need help with overcoming food addiction? Apply for a Roadmap to Optimal Health Consultation today.

Read my articles on food addiction:

Can’t kick the sugar cravings? Blame coffee

Cravings and addictions

Fear of feeling – and how it drives cravings

FOMO and how it drives cravings

Food cravings and your gut microbiome – the surprising connection

Food: The Hidden Addiction

It’s not about the food

‘I need chocolate to help me cope’

Researchers find junk food is as addictive as nicotine and cocaine

Rewiring the ‘obese brain’

Stuffing food into a hole that isn’t food shaped

The #1 barrier to change… and how to overcome it

Understanding – and beating – food cravings

When to say ‘sometimes’ and when to say ‘never’

Why are salt, sugar and fat so addictive?

Why do we do things we know are bad for us?


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