A reader’s story
24 April 2023
I was sent the following account by a reader, in response to my article Déjà vu all over again: The whooping cough vaccine fiasco. It’s a truly chilling story, which underlines the fact that, as I wrote in Your doctor is not your doctor,
“The forced incorporation of health practitioners into the apparatus of public health has for all intents and purposes destroyed the doctor-patient relationship.”
Your doctor is not your doctor
A doctor cannot serve the interests of his or her patients, while also serving as an enforcer of state-sanctioned vaccination policies. Jennifer’s story is a warning to all of us, that we must always question everything we’re instructed or advised to do by any medical practitioner, and for that matter, any alternative health practitioner.
Ask why the treatment, procedure or investigation is being advised, what is the evidence for it (ask to see studies; don’t accept the practitioner’s word for it!), what are the potential harms, are there any alternatives, and what is likely to happen if you opt for a different treatment path, or decline to have the condition treated at all? If the practitioner is applying pressure to you, tell him or her that you appreciate the advice but need time to think it over. Never be afraid to seek a second or third opinion. The well-being, and even the life, of you or a loved one may depend on your willingness to take personal responsibility for all health decisions.
Jennifer was a young mum at the time that she and her sons were unwittingly enrolled into a medical experiment, without any informed consent. Thankfully, all three appear to have evaded long-term harm, and the experience made Jennifer a far more discerning customer of the medical business. Many people have not been so lucky.
Without further ado, here is Jennifer’s story, shared with her permission.
In early December 1989 I was living with my family in Hobart, Tasmania. My two sons and I went in to see my GP for my youngest son’s 18 month medical checkup.
The doctor coerced me under duress (basically alluded that I was being a negligent mother if I didn’t vaccinate my baby son) and in the process conned me into having a whooping cough booster with my children.
No problem, I thought. It was to demonstrate to my sons that we all copped injections as a matter of course in life.
Within a month we all had whooping cough – that lasted the full three months.
During this time we went to South Australia to attend my mother’s marriage to her second husband. Yes we coughed through the entire ceremony.
It would otherwise be unremarkable except that at the time we did not have access to phone and internet services like we do now.
I used the opportunity, while at my mother’s place, to call my South Australian family doctor who asked me where we received these vaccinations. I told him.
He sighed and said something like how he was not supposed to tell me what he was about to say but that in Adelaide and Hobart there was a trial being done with a new live cell whooping cough vaccination.
Apparently it had created an epidemic and we had been caught up in the net. He was extremely apologetic and said we simply had to ride it out. After this, nothing more was heard about it.
He said that the medical community were hoping that it would not get any worse than it already was and said that from what he had observed so far that we should be ‘ok’.
The point for me though was that we had been subjected to an experimental trial and had not been informed of this prior to the injections and the doctor in Hobart who had administered this had been particularly persuasive.
That was when I woke up. I am thankful that we were not injured more than we were. However I think as it was my eldest son’s second injection it did affect him more than my youngest son who never had any further vaccines.
Neither have I.
I don’t know if this is a story that would interest you or if you have had other readers who have contacted you with a similar experience. Neither am I sure how it would be possible to find out more about this.
Thank you for reading my story,
Yours sincerely,
I followed up with Jennifer to see if she had any more information about the experimental pertussis vaccine that was administered to her family, but unfortunately she had not been able to obtain any more details.
Jennifer also shared the following wish:
“My hope is that others in Hobart or Adelaide might come forward to share their stories if they might have been affected as we were at the time.”
If you know, or suspect, that you were also affected by this experimental pertussis vaccine, or if you were involved in the trial as a medical practitioner and can shed any light on it, please reach out to me so I can connect you with Jennifer.
30/04/2023All vaccines are experiments, you never know how individual people and their immune systems will react. It reminds me how once a doctor told me to stop breast feeding my son! I went to find out if he was sick and that is the only answer I got. Later I found out that we were being affected by a spray painting business behind where we lived and we had to move. Breast feeding got my son through it. Trouble is when you question a doctor they get really antsy, not used to awake people, just “yes doctor, okay doctor, will do doctor” people.
Robyn Chuter
30/04/2023That advice from the doctor deserved a formal complaint to his regulatory body. It’s beyond disgusting. Thank god you didn’t take his advice!
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