20 December 2021
We’re nearly two years into the COVID-19 debacle, and nothing that governments anywhere in the world have done to “stop the spread” and “end the pandemic” has worked. Nothing. Nada. Big fat zero.
If you have any remaining doubt about that, I urge you to read Dr Paul Elias Alexander’s outstanding summary of the damning evidence, More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions. The title kind of gives it away, but let me give you a quick summary:
- Lockdowns don’t work – that is, they don’t reduce the death toll from COVID-19, and they cause increased deaths from non-COVID causes (162 studies and articles cited).
- School closures don’t reduce deaths from COVID-19, and in fact increase deaths by delaying the development of herd immunity, and in addition directly harm children by increasing rates of abuse and neglect (75 studies and articles cited).
- Face masks don’t work when worn in the community, whilst the evidence for any protective effects when worn by healthcare workers is mixed; mask mandates have had no effect whatsoever on SARS-CoV-2 transmission or rates of COVID-19 disease; and there are serious physical and psychological harms from prolonged mask-wearing (97 studies and articles cited on face masks, 9 on mask mandates and 61 on mask harms).
And to add insult to injury – or more to the point, to pile injury on top of injury – the novel pharmaceutical products described as “COVID-19 vaccines” cannot possibly end the COVID-19 pandemic, because they don’t stop proliferation of SARS-CoV-2 in the upper respiratory tract. Watch:
SARS-CoV-2 is a highly contagious respiratory virus that is spread primarily through airborne transmission, which means that sanitising your hands, disinfecting surfaces and maintaining an arbitrary distance from other people is pointless biosecurity theatre – pointless, that is, in preventing the spread of the virus, but that was never the real intention anyway.
The primary route of entrance of SARS-CoV-2 is via inhalation of tiny droplet nuclei, or aerosols, that are less than 5 micrometres (5 μm) in diameter. That is, we breathe it into our nostrils. (And by the way, cloth masks increase the dose of those tiny aerosols that end up in your nose.)
Luckily for us, we’ve co-evolved with viruses, so our bodies know a thing or two about how to handle them. The secretory immunoglobulin A system, or sIgA, is our first line of defence against both respiratory and gastrointestinal viral infections.
sIgA is the most prevalent type of antibody produced in the human body. It is produced by immune system cells known as lymphocytes, that live just under the mucous membranes that line our respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts (the respiratory and gut mucosa).
As soon as a viral antigen (a snippet of protein that the immune system recognises as foreign to the human body) comes in contact with the respiratory mucosa, lymphocytes release sIgA which is ejected through the mucous membrane onto the mucosal surface, where it can prevent viruses from binding to cells and thus infecting them:

At the same time as they’re firing their antiviral missiles through the respiratory mucosa, these crack troop lymphocytes send for reinforcements by signalling other immune system cells that live in the central lymphoid organs in the bronchial and intestinal mucosa to also pump out sIgA. Thus, a call-to-arms propagates through every mucous membrane-lined organ in the human body, along with military intelligence and a specific battle plan on how to recognise and defend against the viral intruder.
If secretory IgA levels are high enough, the virus will be stopped in its tracks, before it gets the chance to enter enough cells to generate an infection. If they aren’t, and if our innate immune mechanisms don’t manage to fend off the attack, the virus will replicate and will make its way down into the lower respiratory tract from where it can infect the lungs. This is the pattern that SARS-CoV-2 follows.
sIgA levels are lowered by suboptimal vitamin D levels, obesity, and possibly by zinc deficiency – so well done to those public health geniuses who designed COVID-19 policies that restricted going outdoors into the vitamin D-generating sunshine, and resulted in 35 per cent of Australians gaining weight, mostly because of increased junk food consumption.
Unlike the johnny-on-the-spot secretory IgA which mops up respiratory viruses at their point of entry into the body, the novel injections marketed as “COVID-19 vaccines” only generate the classes of antibodies known as immunoglobulin G (IgG) and circulating immunoglobulin A (IgA).
As the name of the latter class implies, these are antibodies which circulate in the blood, searching for virus that has breached the mucosal defences and broken through into the bloodstream (which is easy to do once the virus has entered the highly-vascularised lungs) in order to try to invade internal organs.
Sufficiently high levels of these antibodies do help to prevent the organ damage that characterises severe COVID-19, which is why studies such as those I cited in my previous article, The COVID-19 vaccine treadmill, show an initial decrease in the risk of serious illness, hospitalisation and death related to COVID-19, which tapers off dramatically after around 6 months (sooner in males, frail elderly people and those with comorbidities) as vaccine-generated antibody levels plummet.
However, these blood-borne antibodies cannot neutralise SARS-CoV-2 in the respiratory mucosa because they don’t reach it. And this is why COVID-19 injections don’t stop infection with SARS-CoV-2, don’t stop viral replication in the nasopharynx (nose and throat), and don’t stop transmission of the virus.
I, and many others, have said it before, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again: The current crop of “COVID-19 vaccines” cannot possibly end the pandemic because they are incapable of generating herd immunity.
What they do, unfortunately, is to
- Reprogram both the innate and adaptive immune system, decreasing the response to viruses (which helps to explain the reports of shingles outbreaks following receipt of COVID-19 injections) while upregulating the inflammatory response to fungi.
- Cause spike protein to be made by cells located deep inside our bodies, in direct contrast to what happens in the course of natural infection. When a respiratory mucosal cell becomes infected with a virus, it displays a piece of that virus on its outer membrane, attracting the attention of both IgG antibodies and cytotoxic T lymphocytes which then proceed to destroy the cell in order to prevent it from spewing out more infectious virus. The destruction of these cells inflames the mucosal surface, contributing to symptoms such as cough, sore throat and congestion. Unless the infected person’s immune function is impaired by advanced age, obesity or comorbidities, the infection will be confined to these mucosal surfaces. But COVID-19 injections deliver instructions to build and display viral spike protein into the endothelial cells which line our blood vessels. When these endothelial cells are attacked by IgG antibodies and cytotoxic T lymphocytes, the blood vessel wall is breached and the spike protein can enter into organs such as the heart, causing myocarditis, sudden cardiac arrest and death.
- Drive viral immune escape which leads to vaccine-resistant strains becoming dominant in heavily-vaccinated populations, perpetuating the pandemic by delaying the development of herd immunity which would otherwise have been reached in a matter of months, based on experience from past viral respiratory pandemics.
And they may also:
- Generate anti-idiotype (or “Ab2”) antibodies which drive autoimmune reactions;
- Engender “original antigenic sin”, resulting in an impaired immune response to both seasonal coronaviruses and variants of SARS-CoV-2 with significant spike protein mutations.
It’s almost as if the people and institutions in charge of both the medical and policy responses to COVID-19 don’t want the pandemic to be over, and don’t want us to have robust immune systems that fend off viral infections without attacking our own bodies. But that couldn’t possibly be so, could it?
Gerard van den Bosch
08/01/2022Thanks Robyn, Congratulations, another clear explaination thats easy for the general public to understand.
Keep up the good work.
Robyn Chuter
08/01/2022Thanks for taking the time to read it. Please share widely – I know most people who’ve “drunk the Kool Aid” don’t want their beliefs to be challenged, but we must all do everything we can to keep presenting them with factual information. You never know what might open a person’s eyes up.
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