Kim’s Tempting Truffles

This recipe was given to me by my dear friend Kim. Kim is slowly but surely converting her children to wholesome food. Luckily, kids don’t need much encouragement to try these delicious, nutrient-rich concoctions! Seeds and nuts are packed with minerals, protein, ‘good’ fats, cholesterol-lowering phytosterols, artery-protecting arginine and powerful anti-cancer substances. The US Physicians’…

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Hidden Bean Brownies (or Hidden Brown Beanies)

This recipe was given to me by one of my clients, the amazingly culinarily talented Tamar. My son Mitchell, on finding they contained, of all things, BEANS, thought we should call them Hidden Bean Brownies. But in my crazy house, that quickly morphed into Hidden Brown Beanies. You can call them whatever you like. I…

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New Paleo or True Paleo?

Report from the ‘Paleo vs Plant Based? Tackling Current Controversies in Nutrition’ seminar – Part 2 On Wednesday 11 February 2015 I attended the ‘Paleo vs Plant Based? Tackling Current Controversies in Nutrition’ seminar at Sydney Adventist Hospital, featuring the renowned Canadian dietitian and author Brenda Davis; the grande dame of the Australian nutrition scene,…

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Pumpkin Soup

Ingredients: 1 onion 1 clove garlic 500 g pumpkin – peeled if hard-skinned 400 ml water or vegetable stock (I use 1 tbsp Dr Fuhrman’s VegiZest in water) 2 tsp turmeric   Method: Thermomix method Chop onion and garlic in Thermomix bowl for 3 seconds on speed 6. Add 3 tbsp water and cook for…

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Moroccan Pumpkin and Lentil Soup

This hearty soup is a meal in a bowl! Ingredients: 1 onion, peeled and halved 2 cloves garlic, peeled 3 cm piece fresh ginger, peeled 1 small fresh chilli or 1/2 tsp dried chilli flakes 1 carrot, scrubbed 250 g pumpkin, cubed (if it’s a soft-skinned pumpkin like butternut, you can leave the skin on)…

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Pistachio Crusted Tempeh with Balsamic Glazed Shiitakes

(Slightly adapted from Ingredients: 300 g tempeh, diagonally sliced 200 g shiitake mushrooms, thinly sliced 250 g button mushrooms, thinly sliced Marinade 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp chopped fresh coriander 3 drops Tabasco sauce 1 cup vegetable broth, or cooking liquid saved from cooking beans or chick peas 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar Crust…

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“Cheesy” Kale Soup

This soup is quick and easy to make, and SO satisfying! Ingredients: 1/2 cup red lentils 1 onion, chopped 1 cup mushrooms, sliced 2 medium carrots, blended with 4 cups water 1 can no added salt tomatoes 2 large bunches kale, tough stems and center ribs removed and leaves coarsely chopped 1/2 cup raw cashews…

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Cheesy Chilli Popcorn and Kale

Ingredients: 1/4 cup popcorn 6 kale leaves 1 tbsp savoury yeast flakes 1 tsp chilli powder   Method: Preheat oven to 100°C. Dry pop popcorn in a non-stick or heavy-based saucepan. Strip kale off tough stems, tear into small pieces and bake, in a single layer, for 30 minutes. Toss kale and popcorn with seasonings.

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Dr. Fuhrman’s Famous Anti-Cancer Soup

Ingredients: 1 cup black beluga lentils 4 cups water 6 zucchini 6 carrots and 3 stalks celery, blended in Thermomix or high-powered blender with water to make 2 litres liquid 2 tablespoons Dr. Fuhrman’s VegiZest 4 medium onions, chopped 3 leek stalks, coarsely chopped 2 bunches kale 1 cup raw cashews 2 1/2 cups chopped…

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Thai Pumpkin and Tofu Curry

Ingredients: 3/4 cup brown rice 1 1/2 cups water 1 tbsp red curry paste (or to taste) – recipe below 400 g can light coconut milk 600 ml water or low-salt vegetable stock (I used 1 tbsp Dr Fuhrman’s VegiZest in 600 ml water) 1 medium pumpkin (mine weighed 600 g), peeled and cubed 1…

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