COVID-19 injections are screwing with immunity: Part 1
“Vaccine”-induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is clearly inferior to natural immunity.
The good news about depression – Part 4
In-person connection is a potent buffer against anxiety and depression.
The good news about depression – Part 3
Getting outdoors in nature is highly beneficial for psychological health – at all ages.
The good news about depression – Part 2
Physical activity not only reduces your risk of becoming anxious or depressed, it increases your chances of recovering.
The good news about depression – Part 1
What you put in your mouth can affect your risk of becoming depressed.
The latest depressing news on antidepressant drugs
The evidence against antidepressant drugs just keeps piling up.
Beating measles with toilets – the Swachh Bharat Mission
A campaign to build toilets is associated with reduced rates of measles in young Indian children, succeeding where mass vaccination has failed.
The great molnupiravir swindle
Australia’s drug regulator approved Merck’s antiviral drug on the basis of some very shaky studies.
Are doctors the new antivaxxers?
A new study finds that roughly one tenth of US primary care positions don’t think vaccines are safe, effective or necessary. Say what?
Why you need to stop saying “I’m not an antivaxxer, but…”
The word “antivaxxer” is a thought-stopper used only by the brain-dead, to shut down debate. Stop playing their game.