Academia and the new dark age: Part 1

According to philosopher Steve Patterson, we are currently living in a dark age. The mind-boggling dumbness of most academic papers backs him up.

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A health worker vaccinates a child

Informed consent for vaccination died decades ago

Back into 1989, a young mother and her two sons were unwittingly enrolled into a medical experiment for a new type of whooping cough vaccine. And they weren’t the only ones.

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Wholesome plant-based foods – NOT vegan junk food – help you live a longer, healthier life

A new study has found that healthy plant-based dietary patterns help prevent premature death, cardiovascular disease and cancer, while unhealthy plant-derived foods have the opposite effect.

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Psychedelics – panacea or psychiatry’s new shiny object?

Are psychedelic drugs the solution to the ‘mental health crisis’, or just the latest manifestation of our ‘pill for every ill’ delusion?

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Long COVID: Truth, lies and propaganda – Part 2

Long COVID is not the boogieman we’ve been threatened with.

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woman sitting on chair while leaning on laptop

Long COVID: Truth, lies and propaganda – Part 1

What is ‘long COVID’, who’s really at risk of developing it, and why?

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The WHO thinks there’s a ‘vaccine crisis’ – and that’s good news

The World Health Organisation has prepared guidance for countries facing ‘vaccine crisis’, and it reveals their biggest fears.

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Déjà vu all over again: The whooping cough vaccine fiasco

The failure of the COVID-19 vaccines to deliver on their promises is nothing new. Whooping cough vaccines have failed too – and for very similar reasons.

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A health worker vaccinates a child

Do childhood vaccines save lives, or cost them?

Do vaccines increase or decrease the number of children who die in the first year of life? Two researchers set out to answer this question. You’ll never guess what happened next.

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I informed you thusly: Part 3

Molnupiravir (Lagevrio) is recommended for treatment of COVID-19 in older Australians. But it doesn’t work, and it is likely causing transmissible variants.

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