an elderly woman

Who’s killing Grandma, really?

27 September 2021

As the war rhetoric ramps up against those who are exercising the right to decline an experimental medical treatment that is guaranteed to us by the Declaration of Helsinki, the unvaccinated are being blamed for the emergence of vaccine-resistant variants such as the now-dominant Delta strain of SARS-CoV-2.

The rise of vaccine-resistant strains is acknowledged to be an impediment to Australia’s attainment of herd immunity – a situation in which a sufficient proportion of the population has sterilising immunity to an infectious agent to prevent the spread of that agent through the community. (Sterilising immunity means that an individual cannot become infected by a pathogen such as a bacterium or virus, nor pass it on to others.)

And if herd immunity is not attained, the small percentage of the population which is susceptible to serious illness and death from SARS-CoV-2 infection (mostly the infirm elderly and younger people with immunosuppression, obesity or other comorbidities) remain at risk.

The argument that the unvaccinated are driving the development of vaccine-resistant viral strains and thus preventing the attainment of herd immunity is absurd on its face, but let’s lay out the facts systematically, for the hard of thinking.

Fact #1: Vaccination is a form of selection pressure which favours the emergence of immune escape variants such as the Delta variant

The fact that vaccines push pathogens to mutate in ways that allow them to evade vaccine-induced immunity has been known for many years, as I pointed out in a previous article, Why Australia’s COVID-19 exit plan can’t succeed – Part 2.

To reiterate an important point from that earlier article, if a vaccine is leaky – that is, it induces an immune response that reduces the growth rate and/or toxicity of the pathogen but does not block infection – it will actually select for mutations that make the pathogen vaccine-resistant.

These vaccine resistant strains are called immune escape variants, and their rise was predicted by Geert Vanden Bossche back in March 2021.

Vaccine-resistant mutations may well spontaneously arise in the body of an infected unvaccinated person along with other mutations, but since they have no particular survival advantage over other random mutants, they will not become the dominant strain within that individual’s body. Only in the bodies of vaccinated individuals do vaccine-resistant strains enjoy a competitive advantage over other strains, allowing them to become dominant.

And it’s those vaccine-resistant strains that pose the real threat to Grandma.

Fact #2: Vaccine-resistant strains become more dominant as the vaccination rate rises

This fact logically follows from the first, but it’s worth illustrating it graphically:

Data sources: and Our World in Data

As can readily be seen, before the COVID-19 vaccine rollout began in Australia, there was a diverse range of variants of SARS-CoV-2, with the Alpha variant (which was not vaccine-resistant) being the most prevalent variant sequenced.

By the time 15% of the population had received at least 1 injection, the Alpha variant had declined in prevalence and the vaccine-resistant Delta had sharply increased. And by the end of July, when 30% had received at least 1 dose, Delta was for all intents and purposes the only strain of the virus left in circulation.

And that means that if Grandma gets exposed to SARS-CoV-2, it’s almost certain to be the Delta (vaccine-resistant) strain of the virus.

Fact #3: Vaccine-resistant strains reduce the protection afforded by the vaccine to those who are in most need of it

The vast majority of people who contract SARS-CoV-2 will either experience no symptoms at all, or a mild to moderate flu-like illness.

They have little to no need of any vaccine for personal protection, especially if they adopt rational fever-management practises and familiarise themselves with evidence-based early treatment protocols to use in the unlikely event that they develop COVID-19.

These low-risk individuals are being emotionally manipulated to accept an experimental injection in order to “protect the vulnerable”.

But as explained above, the higher the percentage of the population that is vaccinated, the more dominant the vaccine-resistant strains of the virus become. Once again, Granny is now more likely to be exposed to a vaccine-resistant strain of the virus, which will evade her vaccine-induced antibodies.

Fact #4: Vaccinated people who become infected with SARS-CoV-2 are more likely to shed vaccine-resistant variants of the virus

It is now beyond dispute that vaccinated people who become infected with the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 have just as high a viral load as unvaccinated people, and therefore are just as likely to be as infectious to others.

However, given the selection pressure exerted on the virus by vaccine-induced antibodies, more vaccine-resistant virus develops in and is shed by these vaccinated “breakthrough” cases.

Watch out, Granny!

Fact #5: Vaccinated individuals are more likely than unvaccinated individuals to become ‘Typhoid Marys’

Now that politicians and medical bureaucrats have been forced to admit that COVID-19 jabs don’t prevent infection or transmission, they’ve switched their sales pitch. Sure, they tell us, the shot won’t stop you getting infected, but it will keep you out of hospital.

Just think about that for a minute. If you develop a breakthrough infection but don’t feel sick, you’re more likely to go about your daily life, merrily shedding virus from your airways as you do so. And if you happen to live with, visit, or work amongst frail elderly people or at-risk younger people, you could easily infect them with vaccine-resistant viral variants.

Meanwhile, if it’s true that the unvaccinated will be far more likely to develop symptoms if they’re infected, those symptoms serve as their warning to stay well away from vulnerable people… including Granny.

Fact #6: Vaccination delays the development of herd immunity, causing vulnerable people to be at risk for longer

As the world-renowned epidemiologists who signed the Great Barrington Declaration tried to explain back in October 2020, attempting to suppress the spread of SARS-CoV-2 via policies such as lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and school closures delayed the development of herd immunity that would otherwise have allowed vulnerable people to resume normal participation in life, with minimal risk of infection.

Without lockdown, they estimated herd immunity may have taken only 3-6 months to develop. But here we are, 18 months into the global pandemic with no end in sight.

Population-wide vaccination programs have further delayed the development of herd immunity because they have resulted in more transmissible variants that escape vaccine-induced immunity.

Even Andrew Pollard, the head of the Oxford Vaccine Group which developed the AstraZeneca jab, has acknowledged that vaccine-induced herd immunity is “not a possibility” due to the (vaccine-induced) emergence and rise to dominance of the Delta variant.

The chief epidemiologist of Iceland (which has vaccinated 82% of its population, 80% with 2 jabs) has admitted that herd immunity can only be achieved by allowing the virus to spread throughout his small island nation, while attempting to shield the most vulnerable from it.

But how can Granny be shielded when all her caregivers have been injected with a product which turns them into perfect superspreaders if they contract SARS-CoV-2: asymptomatic or so mildly symptomatic that they don’t realise they’re infected, but carrying a high viral load of vaccine-resistant virus?

Fact #7: Only natural infection can facilitate herd immunity to SARS-CoV-2

All people of good will wish to protect the vulnerable. Just about all of us have a “Grandma” in our lives – either a frail elderly person or a younger person suffering from immunosuppression or serious illness that raises their risk of getting seriously ill from a SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The only way we’re ever going to be able to protect these people is to attain herd immunity.

And only natural infection confers the robust, broad and durable protection against infection and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 that is necessary for herd immunity to develop.

Let’s hope that by the time the politicians and medical bureaucrats wake up to this undeniable fact, we’ll still have enough unvaccinated people left to get there.

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  • AJ

    Reply Reply 27/09/2021

    Wow Robyn, another informative brilliantly written article by you. We can only hope that oneday the politicians aquire reading and comprehension skills so that they too can understand your brilliant articles. Thank you for all you do for the people of this country.

  • Robyn Chuter

    Reply Reply 27/09/2021

    I don’t think they’re lacking in comprehension skills. I think they’re lacking in honesty, integrity and courage. Quite frankly, many of them are psychopaths, either primary or secondary. See for more insight into how psychopaths ingratiate themselves into institutions and then corrupt those institutions, creating psychopathic societies such as the one we are currently living in, in which most people believe things that are patently absurd and are willing to do things (like shunning unvaccinated people) that are patently immoral.

  • Craig Johnson

    Reply Reply 27/09/2021

    One thing that you haven’t mentioned with your Fact#1 is that the speed of evolution is most strongly related to the number of virus reproductions. For example, if 100 people have a virus, there is a lot more reproduction of the virus occurring than if 10 people have it. Every reproduction of the virus creates a chance of it mutating into a new strain with different characteristics.
    Thus evolution will occur much more quickly if we took your advice and aimed for herd immunity as a very high proportion of the population will have the virus and their will be a lot more of it spread around.
    The evolution of the delta variant occurred well before vaccines were common in India where this variant evolved so it is not justified to suggest that it evolved due to people being vaccinated.
    Your graph is support of Fact #2 is also highly misleading as it suggests that the vaccination rate caused the prevalence of the delta strain in Australia. In reality this strain has become dominant due it being more contagious. The dominance of the delta strain has occurred across the world in countries with and without high vaccination rates.
    The measles vaccine has not resulted in a vaccine resistant form of measles. Though it has virtually eliminated it from countries where the vaccine is common.

    • Robyn Chuter

      Reply Reply 01/10/2021

      The speed of evolution is irrelevant to the development of immune escape variants. All RNA viruses mutate rapidly, as I explained in However, only mutations that confer a survival advantage to the virus persist, and the virions with the greatest survival advantage give rise to dominant variants. In vaccinated populations, variants that enable the virus to evade vaccine-generated antibodies (which have a narrower target range than an infection-generated immune response which results in not just antibodies but activated T cells and even a more effective innate immune response) become dominant.
      Dr Richard Fleming has illustrated the effects of vaccine-induced selection pressure on variant dominance in multiple different countries at
      The fact that the Delta variant developed before a high proportion of the Indian population were vaccinated is, once again, irrelevant. All the so-called variants of concern and variants of interest have been being tracked for many months. It is not the emergence of a variant that matters (once again, RNA viruses mutate as a matter of course), but whether a variant with particular characteristics such as high transmissibility or high virulence (which are generally inversely related) becomes dominant.
      Contrary to your assertion, the Delta strain has not become dominant across all countries regardless of their vaccination rates, as can be seen by studying the graphs of variant distribution at and vaccination data at
      The reason why measles has not evolved to escape vaccine-induced immunity has been discovered, and is summarised here and explained in greater detail here This has no relevance whatsoever to the discussion of SARS-CoV-2 or the vaccines currently deployed against it, which use completely different technology to that used in measles vaccines. It must be said though that measles vaccine resistance has indeed been documented in heavily-vaccinated populations in Africa:

  • Ez

    Reply Reply 28/09/2021

    Thank you Robyn for sharing your extraordinary research and information. You are saving lives! I mean that seriously. I cancelled my jab appointment after reading your article ‘To jab or not to jab’. It set me on a path of further investigation, firstly through the links you provided and your other articles, and then onto further research, which I was astounded to learn is supported by thousands of doctors and scientists around the globe. I will be forever grateful to you for opening my mind to the reality and gravity of the situation we face and your efforts to inform and protect my family.

    • Robyn Chuter

      Reply Reply 01/10/2021

      I’m so glad you took responsibility for your own health and made the effort to ensure that you were truly informed before making this decision. The tragedy is that you would not have been given informed consent if you had asked your doctor about it. Most doctors haven’t taken the time to inform themselves properly about the true risks and benefits of these injections, and the few that have are being gagged by medical licensing boards. Just last night a doctor friend told me that she would not be renewing her medical licence and was quitting the profession after over 40 years. This is a tragedy beyond reckoning. We are losing the best doctors out there, because they can no longer remain working in a profession that is betraying every tenet of the ethical practice of medicine.

  • mr fixit

    Reply Reply 28/09/2021

    This article fails in one glaringly obvious aspect. THIS IS NOT,NOT,NOT A VACCINE, and the sooner folks wake up to that the sooner the scam will all fall over

  • Pete

    Reply Reply 13/10/2021

    Robyn. Please is there a way that you or your colleagues can explain these points in even more “layman’s” terms as the bureaucrats do in their pro vax propaganda and what do you think of Novovax?

    • Robyn Chuter

      Reply Reply 15/10/2021

      Summary in super-layman’s terms:
      The jabs are causing new variants of concern (like Delta).
      People who have been jabbed are liable to become superspreaders.
      The jabs can’t get us to herd immunity.
      Re Novavax, it seems to be every bit as dangerous as the others. See

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