Success Stories

Looking for inspiration? Wondering if I can help you with the particular issue you're struggling with? Read and listen to the inspiring success stories of people who have reclaimed their physical and emotional health by working with me. These stories cover the full gamut:

Reversing serious illnesses that are supposed to be 'incurable'
Getting off prescribed medications because they're no longer necessary
Achieving - and maintaining - dramatic weight loss, sometimes after a lifetime of obesity
Releasing old patterns which were causing emotional suffering and relationship difficulties
... and many, many more physical and mental health issues!

Video interviews

Hear my clients' inspiring stories, in their own words.

Written stories

Read case studies and testimonials from my clients.

Heather: Quit smoking, overcame self-sabotage and turned her life around!

Sandy: Healed from an eating disorder and finally learned to feel good about herself!

Health challenges

Amber: Gained the confidence she needed to eat plant-based through her pregnancy

Anne: Overcame migraines and tamed the 'Cookie Monster'

Annie: Turned around gestational diabetes and got healthier and slimmer as her pregnancy progressed!

Bianca: Finally cracked the code to making healthy living sustainable

Brooke: Overcame crippling allergies... and regained trust in her body

Brooke (2): Turned around gestational diabetes and went from 'high risk' to a dream water birth

Connie: Alleviated Sjögren's syndrome and menopause symptoms, and ended dependency on antidepressants

Emma: Learned how to eat - not just what to eat - to be healthy and happy

Ivana: Completely normalised CINIII and avoided the need for surgery

Joshua: Born with a rare birth defect, doctors are amazed that he needs no medication and has no signs of reflux

Kathy: Recovered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia

Leanne: Lost stubborn weight, overcame poor body image

Lily: Recovering from extreme food sensitivities, POTS, brain fog and sensory sensitivities

Luke: Recovered from fatigue, anxiety and depression, and discovered vitality he'd never experienced before in his life!

Muna: Navigated pregnancy challenges and empowered herself to have the birth experience she hoped for

Nina: Cleared up confusion and gained confidence in following a plant-based diet

Pamela: Completely healed ulcerative colitis after being told she would have to have her bowel removed

Pauline: Beat compulsive overeating

Renee: Common cold symptoms resolved in minutes with EFT treatment

Suzanne: Restored thyroid health and completely revamped her relationship with food and weight

Tanya: Resolved her concerns about raising her son vegan... and improved her and her husband's health into the bargain

Vivien: Lowered her cholesterol and lost weight... by quitting dieting

Emotional challenges

Bonni: Solved her daughter's separation anxiety

Carla: Overcame fear of the dentist and eliminated dental pain

David: Resolved traumatic memory

Dianne: Released major childhood trauma in just one session

Linda: Got 'unstuck' and found the courage to pursue her dreams

Madeleine: Overcame breastfeeding difficulties linked to trauma

Melissa & Peter: Improved athletic performance

Monique: Overcame severe anxiety and panic attacks

Pauline: Beat compulsive overeating

Ruth: Overcame depression and relationship issues

Sandra: Broke through overwhelm, guilt and anxiety

Tamar: Helped her daughter with toilet training challenges

Vanessa: Resolved disordered and compulsive eating... and lost weight!


0432 766 884

PO Box 760, Childers QLD 4660

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